Beginning, Middle and End of College:
College students are having the time of their life, right?
Not always.
Adjusting to college is a huge emotional challenge.
It’s not always clear where you can go to get the support you need.
Many students have trouble and don’t know why.
I can help work through the psychological changes that can help make the college experience successful. Sometimes the most important influence is what is happening socially.
Other times it is what is happening in the family.
Whatever it is, we will learn together.
Leaving college can be a wonderful time of opportunity.
But it can bring up hard choices and decisions about what to do in the future.
Saying goodbye to college friends and to the years shared in the college experience can be harder than many realize.
Any problem can be approached from a new perspective if we can see what is currently going on.
Parents need support, too.
Becoming a parent is a rewarding, lifelong journey.
It will inevitably be accompanied by the psychological stress of baby caretaking and changes in your partner relationship.
What many don’t anticipate is how it can raise old issues that you thought were behind you, like issues with mothers or fathers, and any number of other concerns.
Revisiting them in a new way as a parent can be essential to your own optimal parenting.
What now!?
Coming to the end of one’s active career is a transition that many dream of for years. It can be an opportunity to recreate yourself.
However, it can also stir up problems that need to be confronted.
Rediscovering your own identity outside of work can be confusing and challenging.
These emotional issues can be essential to figure out and integrate into your life in order to ensure a vibrant and meaningful retirement.
Life changes bring up past conflicts in unexpected ways.
When you take the time to search inward, you find more of what you are looking for in any endeavor.
You encounter yourself in the past and the present. You can look forward to the unknown of the future with optimism and self-awareness.
To get the help that is needed, call me to set up a first appointment. We will start with the pain of where you are and explore where you want to be.